At My Mother's Feet
Edited by Sadia Zaman
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At My Mother’s Feet reveals that we’ve constantly been fed half-truths by media and our own prejudices. While Jewish, Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist women were re-interpreting sacred texts, fighting patriarchy, engaging in the struggle for women’s equality, and clearing holy ground for their daughters and sons -guess what? – our Muslim sisters were doing the same thing.
– Rita Shelton Deverell
Vice President, Production, Vision TV
North American Muslim women have been relegated to the back stage of history and society, recognized, if at all, for how they helped their husbands. This series of stories by Muslim women shows them instead as 20th-century pioneers whose vision and determination, despite enormous negative forces from within their own communities_ and beyond, helped to create the first Muslim social institutions in North America and inspired a new generation of women to move ahead with pride in their religion and cultures. The first Muslim woman to run for political office in Canada, Lila Fahlman recounts her efforts to found the Canadian Council of Muslim Women and to save the oldest mosque in North America from demolition. Mariam Bhabha’s commitment to improve the lives of Muslim women took her to the refugee camps of Croatia. Born into a Catholic famly in Quebec, Miriam Bhabha tells the story of her conversion to Islam. These and other moving first-person stories of hardship, struggle, and spiritual growth counter the current preoccupation of the media with portraying these women as victims of their faith.
Twice nominated for a Gemini Award for television journalism, Sadia Zaman has been awarded the prestigious Southam Fellowship. Currently on staff at Vision TV, she has worked as a reporter with CBC and TV Ontario. She lives in Toronto. Sponsored by the Canadian Council of Muslim Women.
Table of Contents
by Sadia Zaman
Historical Background
by Zohra Husaini
About Islam
by Alia Mohammed Ali
by Maryam Campbell
by Lila Fahlman
by Solmaz Sahin
by Atiya Jufri
by Mariam Bhabha
by Adeena Niazi
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